
6 Types of Flowers in Lavender Dalat Tourist Area

This article will take you on a journey to explore the types of flowers in Lavender Dalat Tourist Area, from the unique features of lavender to the various ornamental plants that enrich the area’s beauty.

6 types of flowers in Lavender Dalat

Lavender comes in several beautiful varieties, each adding its unique charm to the Lavender Tourist Area. From the classic English Lavender with its delicate, light purple flowers to the striking Grosso Lavender with its bold, deep purple blooms, and the compact Hidcote Lavender, each type offers distinct characteristics and beauty

English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

English Lavender is the most popular lavender variety at the Lavender Tourist Area in Da Lat. This type of lavender is characterized by its small light purple flowers arranged in clusters on slender stems. English Lavender has a mild, pleasant fragrance and is often used in beauty products and essential oils. It typically blooms in the summer, from June to August, when the temperature and light conditions are ideal for its growth.

English Lavender Field in Dalat Lavender - one of 3 types of Lavender flower in Dalat Lavender
English Lavender Field

Grosso Lavender (Lavandula x intermedia ‘Grosso’)

Grosso Lavender is a hybrid lavender variety known for its larger and denser flower clusters compared to English Lavender. The flowers of Grosso Lavender are usually a deep purple, almost bluish, creating a striking and attractive appearance. This lavender variety usually blooms in the summer, from July to September, and is favored for its good growth in Da Lat’s climate as well as its stronger fragrance.

Grosso Lavender garden inside a Lavender Dalat tourist area
Grosso Lavender garden inside a Lavender Dalat tourist area

Hidcote Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’)

Hidcote Lavender is one of the most loved lavender varieties due to its compact shape and distinctive dark purple color. The plant is small, typically growing to only 30 to 40 cm in height, making it suitable for areas with limited space. This lavender variety blooms in the summer, from June to August, and has a pleasant fragrance, often used for decoration and in essential oil products.

Lavender Hidcote Plant - one of types of flowers in Lavender Dalat Tourist Area
Lavender Hidcote Plant

Other ornamental plants in the Lavender Dalat Tourist Area:

Chrysanthemums with their bold colors, sunflowers that stand out with their bright yellow blooms, and rhododendrons offering rich, conical flowers all contribute to the garden’s diverse and colorful environment


Chrysanthemums are among the popular and beloved flowers in the garden. With large blooms and a variety of colors ranging from yellow, white, and red to pink, chrysanthemums bring a vibrant and lively beauty to the garden. They usually bloom in the fall, from September to November, and thrive well in Da Lat’s mild climate.

Chrysanthemum Flowers Field
Chrysanthemum Flowers Field


Sunflowers, with their bright yellow color, always capture visitors’ attention. Their large blooms and bright light create a striking contrast among other flower fields. This flower typically blooms in mid-summer, from July to September, and is often planted to add emphasis to the landscape.

Sunflower Field
Sunflower Field


Rhododendrons, with their large, conical blooms and rich colors such as red, pink, and white, are an essential ornamental plant in the tourism area. They usually bloom in the spring, from February to April, and are planted to add color diversity and enhance the beauty of the tourism area.

Rhododendron Flower Garden
Rhododendron Flower Garden

How to care for and maintain different types of flowers

In addition to onsite care, the Lavender Tourist Area in Da Lat also offers the sale of lavender seedlings, dried flowers, and fresh flowers at competitive prices compared to the market. The flowers are carefully selected on-site to ensure the best quality. If you plan to grow lavender at home, contact the garden owner for guidance on the best planting and care practices to ensure healthy growth and optimal beauty.

Caring for Lavender

Lavender requires direct sunlight to grow well, so it should be planted in areas with full exposure to light. The soil needs to have good drainage and a slightly alkaline pH. Watering lavender should be done moderately, as excessive water can cause root rot. Use light fertilizers to support the plant’s growth.

Caring for other ornamental plants

Chrysanthemums and sunflowers need sunlight to grow healthily. Chrysanthemums require regular and consistent watering, especially during dry seasons. Sunflowers also need nutrient-rich soil and adequate moisture. Rhododendrons require moist soil and moderate light, so regular watering and maintaining soil moisture are crucial.

Grosso Lavender garden inside a Lavender Dalat tourist area

The best time to visit the Lavender Tourist Area

The ideal time to visit the tourist area is during the summer, from June to August when the lavender fields are in full bloom and showcase their most stunning beauty. This period is also when other flowers like sunflowers, chrysanthemums, and rhododendrons are blooming, creating a colorful and diverse landscape for visitors to enjoy.

The Lavender Tourist Area in Da Lat offers a stunning variety of flowers, from the delicate English Lavender to the vibrant Grosso and compact Hidcote varieties, as well as other ornamental plants like chrysanthemums, sunflowers, and rhododendrons. Each type adds its unique charm to the picturesque landscape. For anyone planning a visit, these floral displays are not to be missed. As part of your Vietnam Travel Tips, be sure to explore these diverse blooms to experience the natural beauty of Da Lat fully

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